Emanuel Gafton
Attraction and Rejection
On the love–hate relationship between stars and black holes
PhD Thesis Defence
September 18, 2019
Time: 10:00, Room: FA31Stockholm University, AlbaNova University Centre, Roslagstullsbacken 21, 11421
Stockholm, Sweden
PhD Thesis
This is the full text of the PhD thesis, excluding the papers. It contains the cover pages, the so-called “nailing page” (an official announcement from Stockholm University containing the date and place of the defence, as well as the title and abstract of the thesis), and the “kappa”, formed of the front matter (table of contents, summaries, list of papers, author's contribution, contribution from the licentiate, publications not included in the thesis, list of figures, abbreviations and symbols), the main body, and the back matter (bibliography, acknowledgements). The papers themselves can be downloaded separately, using the links below.
Paper I
Tidal disruptions by rotating black holes: effects of spin and impact parameter
Gafton, E. & Rosswog, S.,
487, 4790–4808 (2019).
Paper II
Tidal disruptions by rotating black holes: relativistic hydrodynamics with Newtonian codes
Tejeda, E.,
Gafton, E., Rosswog, S. & Miller, J.,
469, 4483–4503 (2017).
Paper III
Magnetohydrodynamical simulations of a tidal disruption in general relativity
Sądowski, A., Tejeda, E.,
Gafton, E., Rosswog, S. & Abarca, D.,
458, 4250–4268 (2016).
Paper IV
Relativistic effects on tidal disruption kicks of solitary stars
Gafton, E., Tejeda, E., Guillochon, J., Korobkin, O. & Rosswog, S.,
449, 771–780 (2015).