





Selected, recent papers
published/in press:
Spitzer mid-infrared detections of neutron star merger GW170817 suggests synthesis of the heaviest elements
Kasliwal, M., Kasen, D., Lau, R, Perley, D., Rosswog, S., Ofek, E., Hotokezaka, K., Chary, R., Sollerman, J., Goobar, A., Kaplan, D.
e-print: arXiv:1812.08708
Are interactions with neutron star merger winds shaping the jets?
Nativi, L., Lamb, G., Rosswog, S., Lundman, C., Kowal, G.
e-print: arXiv:2109.00814
The Next Generation Global Gravitational Wave Observatory: The Science Book
Kalogera, V. et al.;
e-print: arXiv:2111.06990
Correlations of r-Process Elements in Very Metal-Poor Stars as Clues to their Nucleosynthesis Sites
Farouqui, K, Thielemann, F.-K., Rosswog, S., Kratz, K.L.;
A & A in press (2022);
e-print: arXiv:2102.08882
Black hole-neutron star simulations with the BAM code: First tests and simulations
Chaurasia, Dietrich, Rosswog;
Phys. Rev. D, 104, 084010 (2021);
e-print: arXiv:2102.08882
Calibration of the Advanced Spectral Leakage scheme for neutron star merger simulations, and
extension to smoothed-particle hydrodynamics
Gizzi, Lundman, O'Connor, Rosswog, Perego;
MNRAS 505, 2575 (2021);
e-print: arXiv:2102.08882
SPHINCS_BSSN: A general relativistic Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics code for dynamical spacetimes
Rosswog, S. and Diener, P.;
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38, 115002 (2021);
e-print: arXiv:2012.1213954
Axisymmetric Radiative Transfer Models of Kilonovae
Korobkin, O., et al.; ApJ 910, 116 (2021);
e-print: arXiv:2007.12245
Axisymmetric models for neutron star merger remnants with realistic thermal and rotational profiles
Camelio, G., Dietrich, T., Rosswog, S., Haskell, Brynmor;
Phys. Rev. D 103, 063014 (2021);
e-print: arXiv:2011.10557
The Fate of the Merger Remnant in GW170817 and its Imprint on the Jet Structure
Murguia-Berhier, A.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; De Colle, F.; Januik, A.; Rosswog, S.; Lee, W.H.;
ApJ 908, 152 (2021);
e-print: arXiv:2007.12245
Can jets make radioactivly powererd emission from neutron star mergers bluer?
Nativi, Bulla, Rosswog, Lundman, Kowal, Gizzi, Lamb, Perego;
MNRAS 500, 2, 1772 (2021);
e-print: eprint arXiv:2010.08989
Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger S190814bv
Ackley, K. et al.; A & A 643, A113 (2020);
e-print: arXiv:2002.01950
The Lagrangian hydrodynamics code MAGMA2
Rosswog, S.; MNRAS 498, 4230 (2020);
e-print: arXiv:1911.13093
A simple, entropy-based dissipation trigger for SPH
Rosswog, S.; ApJ 898, 60 (2020);
e-print: arXiv:1912.01095
Tidal Disruptions of White Dwarfs: Theoretical Models and Observational Prospects
Maguire, K.; Eracleous, M; Jonker, P.; MacLeod, M.; Rosswog, S.
Space Science Reviews, Volume 216, Issue 3, article id.39 (2020);
e-print: arXiv:2004.00146
Rotating neutron stars with non-barotropic thermal profile
Camelio, G.; Dietrich, T.; Marques, M.; Rosswog, S.;
PRD 100, 123001 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1908.11258
A multi-dimensional implementation of the Advanced Spectral neutrino Leakage scheme
Gizzi, D., O'Connor, E., Rosswog, S., Perego, A., Cabezon, R., Nativi, L.;
MNRAS 490, 4211 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1906.11494
Short GRB 160821B: a reverse shock, a refreshed shock, and a well-sampled kilonova
Lamb, G.P. et al.;
ApJ 883(1), A48 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1905.02159
An unusual transient following the short GRB 071227
Eyles, R.A.J.; O'Brien, P.T.; Wiersema, K.; Starling, R.L.C.; Gompertz, B.P.; Lamb, G.P.; Lyman, J.D.; Levan, A.J.; Rosswog, S.; Tanvir, N.R.;
MNRAS 489(1), pp. 13-27 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1907.10091
Spitzer Mid-Infrared Detections of Neutron Star Merger GW170817 Suggests Synthesis of the Heaviest Elements
Kasliwal, M.; Kasen, D.; Lau, R.; Perley, D.; Rosswog, S.; Ofek, E.; Hotokezaka, K.; Chary, R.; Sollerman, J.; Goobar, A.; Kaplan, D.;
MNRAS accepted (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1812.08708
Tidal disruptions by rotating black holes: effects of spin and impact parameter
Gafton, E.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 487(4), pp. 4790-4808 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1903.09147
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap
Barack, L. et al.;
CQG 36(14), A143001 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1806.05195
Serendipitous Discoveries of Kilonovae in the LSST Main Survey:
Maximising Detections of Sub-Threshold Gravitational Wave Events
Setzer, C.; Biwas, R.; Peiris, H.; Rosswog, S.; Korobkin, O.; Wollaeger, R.;
MNRAS 485(3), pp. 4260-4273 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1812.10492
A luminosity distribution for kilonovae based on short gamma-ray burst afterglows
Ascenzi, S.; Coughlin, M.; Dietrich, T.; Foley, R.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Piranomonte, S.;
Mockler, B.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Fryer, C.; Lloyd-Ronning, N.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 486(1), pp. 672-690 (2019);
e-print: arXiv:1811.05506
Disk formation in the collapse of supramassive neutron stars
Camelio, G.; Dietrich, T.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 480(4), pp. 5272-5285 (2018);
e-print: arXiv:1806.07775
The optical afterglow of the short gamma-ray burst associated with GW170817
Lyman, J.D.; Lamb, G.; Levan, A.; Mandel, I.; Tanvir, N.; Kobayashi, S.; Gompertz, B.; Hjorth, J.; Fruchter, A.; Kangas, T.; Steeghs, D.; Steele, I.; Cano, Z.; Copperwheat, C.; Evans, P.; Fynbo, J.; Gall, C.; Im, M.; Izzo, L.; Jakobsson, P.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; O'Brien, P.; Osborne, J.; Palazzi, E.; Perley, D.; Pian, E.; Rosswog, S.; Rowlinson, A.; Schulze, S.; Stanway, E.; Sutton, P.; Thöne, C.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Watson, D.; Wiersema, K.; Wijers, R.;
Nature Astronomy 2, pp. 751-754 (2018);
e-print: arXiv:1801.02669
The first direct double neutron star merger detection: implications for cosmic nucleosynthesis
Rosswog, S.; Sollerman, J.; Feindt, U.; Goobar, A.; Korobkin, O.; Fremling, C.; Kasliwal, M.;
A&A 615, A132 (2018);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05445
Impact of ejecta morphology and composition on the electromagnetic signatures of neutron star mergers
Wollaeger, R.T.; Korobkin, O.; Fontes, C.J.; Rosswog, S.; Even, W.P.; Fryer, C.L.; Sollerman, J.; Hungerford, A.L.; van Rossum, D.R.; Wollaber, A.B.;
MNRAS 478(3), pp. 3298-3334 (2018);
e-print: arXiv:1705.07084
Swift and NuSTAR observations of GW170817: detection of a blue kilonova
Evans, P. et al.;
Science 358, pp. 1565-1570 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05437
Illuminating Gravitational Waves: A Concordant Picture of Photons from a Neutron Star Merger
Kasliwal, M. et al.;
Science 358, pp. 1559-1565 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05436
A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant
Abbott, B.P. et al.;
Nature 551, pp. 85-88 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05835
Lanthanides or dust in kilonovae: lessons learned from GW170817
Gall, C.; Hjorth, J.; Rosswog, S.; Tanvir, N.R., Levan, A.J.;
ApJ 849(2), L19 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05863
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
Abbott, B.P. et al.;
ApJL 848(2), L12 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05833
The Emergence of a Lanthanide-rich Kilonova Following the Merger of Two Neutron Stars
Tanvir, N. et al.;
ApJL 848(2), L27 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05455
The Environment of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817
Levan, A. et al.;
ApJL 848(2), L28 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1710.05444
Tidal disruptions by rotating black holes: relativistic hydrodynamics with Newtonian codes
Tejeda, E.; Gafton, E.; Rosswog, S.; Miller, J.;
MNRAS 469(4), pp. 4483-4503 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1701.00303
Detectability of compact binary merger macronovae
Rosswog, S.; Feindt, U.; Korobkin, O.; Wu, M.-R.; Sollerman, J.; Goobar, A.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.
CQG, 34(10), art. 104001 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1611.09822
The Properties of Short gamma-ray burst Jets Triggered by neutron star mergers
Murguia-Berthier, A.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Montes, G.; De Colle, F.; Rezzolla, L.; Rosswog, S.; Takami, K.; Perego, A.; Lee, W.H.;
ApJ 835(2), L34 (2017);
e-print: arXiv:1609.04828
Supplement: "Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914" (2016, ApJL, 826, L13)
Abbott, P.B. et al.;
ApJS 225(1), A8 (2016);
e-print: arXiv:1604.07864
Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914
Abbott, P.B. et al.;
ApJL 826(1), L13 (2016);
e-print: arXiv:1602.08492
Magnetohydrodynamical simulations of a tidal disruption in general relativity
Sądowski, A.; Tejeda, E.; Gafton, E.; Rosswog, S.; Abarca, D.;
MNRAS 458(4), pp. 4250-4268 (2016);
e-print: arXiv:1512.04865
Optical Thermonuclear Transients From Tidal Compression of White Dwarfs as Tracers of the Low End of the Massive Black Hole Mass Function
MacLeod, M.; Guillochon, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Kasen, D.; Rosswog, S.;
ApJ 819(1), A3 (2016);
e-print: arXiv:1508.02399
Neutrino-driven Winds in the Aftermath of a Neutron Star Merger: Nucleosynthesis and Electromagnetic Transients
Martin, D.; Perego, A.; Arcones, A.; Thielemann, F.-K.; Korobkin, O.; Rosswog, S.;
ApJ 813(1), A2 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1506.05048
Thermonuclear detonations ensuing white dwarf mergers
Dan, M.; Guillochon, J.; Brüggen, M.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 454(4), pp. 4411-4428 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1508.02402
SPH Methods in the modelling of compact objects
Rosswog, S.;
Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics 1(1), A1 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1406.4224
The Fate of the Compact Remnant in Neutron Star Mergers
Fryer, C.L.; Belczynski, K.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rosswog, S.; Shen, G.; Steiner, A.W.
ApJ, 812(1), A24 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1504.07605
The high-redshift gamma-ray burst GRB 140515A. A comprehensive X-ray and optical study
Melandri, A.; Bernardini, M.G.; D'Avanzo, P.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Nappo, F.; Nava, L.; Japelj, J.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Oates, S.; Campana, S.; Covino, S.; D'Elia, V.; Ghirlanda, G.; Gafton, E.; Ghisellini, G.; Gnedin, N.; Goldoni, P.; Gorosabel, J.; Libbrecht, T.; Malesani, D.; Salvaterra, R.; Thöne, C.C.; Vergani, S.D.; Xu, D.; Tagliaferri, G.;
A&A 581, A86, (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1506.03079
The Role of Fission in Neutron Star Mergers and its Impact on the r-Process Peaks
Eichler, M.; Arcones, A.; Kelic, A.; Korobkin, O.; Langanke, K.; Marketin, T.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T.; Rosswog, S.; Winteler, C.; Zinner, N.T.; Thielemann, F.-K.;
ApJ 808(1), A30 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1411.0974
The multi-messenger picture of compact binary mergers
Rosswog, S.;
Int. Journal Mod. Phys. D 24(5), pp. 153-165, invited review (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1501.02081
The interplay of disk wind and dynamical ejecta in the aftermath of neutron star - black hole mergers
Fernández, R.; Quataert, E.; Schwab, J.; Kasen, D.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 449(1), pp. 390-402 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1412.5588
Boosting the accuracy of SPH techniques: Newtonian and special-relativistic tests
Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 448(4), pp. 3628-3664 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1405.6034
Relativistic effects on tidal disruption kicks of solitary stars
Gafton, E.; Tejeda, E.; Guillochon, J.; Korobkin, O.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 449(1), pp. 771-780 (2015);
e-print: arXiv:1502.02039
Neutrino-driven winds from neutron star merger remnants
Perego, A.; Rosswog, S.; Cabezón, R.; Korobkin, O.; Käpelli, R.; Arcones, A.; Liebendörfer, M.;
MNRAS 443(4), pp. 3134-3156 (2014);
e-print: arXiv:1405.6730
MODA: a new algorithm to compute optical depths in multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations
Perego, A.; Gafton, E.; Cabezón, R.; Rosswog, S.; Liebendörfer, M.;
A&A 568, A11 (2014);
e-print: arXiv:1403.1297
The longterm evolution of neutron star merger remnants I: the impact of r-process nucleosynthesis
Rosswog, S.; Korobkin, O.; Arcones, A.; Thielemann, F.-K.; Piran, T.;
MNRAS 439(1), pp. 744-756 (2014);
e-print: arXiv:1307.2939
The longterm evolution of neutron star merger remnants II: radioactively powered transients
Grossmann, D.; Korobkin, O.; Rosswog, S.; Piran, T.;
MNRAS 439(1), pp. 757-770 (2014);
e-print: arXiv:1307.2943
Europium production: neutron star mergers versus core-collapse supernovae
Matteucci, F.; Romano, D.; Arcones, A.; Korobkin, O.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 438(3), pp. 2177-2185 (2014);
e-print: arXiv:1311.6980
The structure and fate of white dwarf merger remnants
Dan, M.; Rosswog, S.; Brüggen, M.; Podsiadlowski, P.;
MNRAS 438(1), pp. 14-34 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1308.1667
A metallicity study of 1987A-like supernova host galaxies
Taddia, F.; Sollerman, J.; Razza, A.; Gafton, E.; Pastorello, A.; Fransson, C.; Stritzinger, M.D.; Leloudas, G.; Ergon, M.;
A&A 558, A143 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1308.5545
Astrophysics: Radioactive glow as a smoking gun
Rosswog, S.;
Nature 500, pp. 535-536 (2013);
An accurate Newtonian description of particle motion around a Schwarzschild black hole
Tejeda, E.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 433(3), pp. 1930-1940 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1303.4068
The dynamic ejecta of compact object mergers and eccentric collisions
Rosswog, S.;
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 371, 20120272 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1210.6549
An analytic toy model for relativistic accretion in Kerr space-time
Tejeda, E.; Taylor, P.A.; Miller, J.C.;
MNRAS 429(2), pp. 925-938 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1207.0733
The multi-messenger picture of compact object encounters: binary mergers vs dynamical collisions
Rosswog, S.; Piran, T.; Nakar, E.;
MNRAS 430(3), pp. 2585-2604 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1204.6240
The Electromagnetic Signals of Compact Binary Mergers
Piran, T.; Nakar, E.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 430(3), pp. 2121-2136 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1204.6242
The runaway instability in general relativistic accretion discs
Korobkin, O.; Abdikamalov, E.; Stergioulas, N.; Schnetter, E.; Zink, B.; Rosswog, S.; Ott, C.D.;
MNRAS 431(1), pp. 349-354 (2013);
e-print: arXiv:1210.1214
A simulation modeling approach to hydrothermal plumes and its comparison to analytical models
Tao, Y.; Rosswog, S.; Brüggen, M.;
Ocean Modelling 61, pp. 68-80 (2013);
Analytic solutions to the accretion of a rotating finite cloud towards a central object - II. Schwarzschild space-time
Tejeda, E.; Mendoza, S.; Miller, J.C.;
MNRAS 419(2), pp. 1431-1441 (2012);
e-print: arXiv:1107.1801
On the astrophysical robustness of neutron star merger r-process
Korobkin, O.; Rosswog, S.; Arcones, A.; Winteler, C.;
MNRAS 426(3), pp. 1940-1949 (2012);
e-print: arXiv:1206.2379
How the merger of two white dwarfs depends on their mass ratio: orbital stability and detonations at contact
Dan, M.; Rosswog, S.; Guillochon, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.;
MNRAS 422(3), pp. 2417-2428 (2012);
e-print: arXiv:1201.2406
Compact binary mergers: an astrophysical perspective
Rosswog, S.;
Invited review at "Nuclei in the Cosmos" (NIX XI) (2010);
e-print: arXiv:1012.0912
SmoothViz: Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Data
Linsen, L.; Molchanov, V.; Dobrev, P.; Rosswog, S.; Rosenthal, P.; Long, T.V.;
Chapter in: H.E. Schulz, A.L.A. Simones, R.A. Lobosco (Eds.),
Hydrodynamics – Optimizing Methods and Tools,
IntechOpen, pp. 3-28 (2011)
Neutrino heating near hyper-accreting black holes
Zalamea, I.; Beloborodov, A.M.;
MNRAS 410(4), pp. 2302-2308 (2011);
e-print: arXiv:1003.0710
A fast recursive coordinate bisection tree for neighbour search and gravity
Gafton, E.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 418(2), pp. 770-781 (2011);
e-print: arXiv:1108.0028
Prelude to a double degenerate merger: the onset of mass transfer and its impact on gravitational waves and surface detonations
Dan, M.; Rosswog, S.; Guillochon, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.;
ApJ 737(2), A89 (2011);
e-print: arXiv:1101.5132
Stability of general-relativistic accretion disks
Korobkin, O.; Abdikamalov, E.B.; Schnetter, E.; Stergioulas, N.; Zink, B.;
Phys. Rev. D 83(4), 043007 (2011);
e-print: arXiv:1011.3010
Runtime analysis tools for parallel scientific applications
Korobkin, O.; Allen, G.; Brandt, S.R.; Bentivegna, E.; Diener, P.; Ge, J.; Löffler, F.; Schnetter, E.; Tao, J.;
Proc. 2011 TeraGrid Conf.: Extreme Digital Discovery, art. 22 (2011);
Special-relativistic Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: a benchmark suite
Rosswog, S.;
In M. Griebel, M.A. Schweitzer (Eds.),
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations V,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Heidelberg, pp. 89-103 (2011);
e-print: arXiv:1005.1679
White dwarfs stripped by massive black holes: sources of coincident gravitational and electromagnetic radiation
Zalamea, I.; Menou, K.; Beloborodov, A.M.;
MNRAS Letters 409(1), pp. L25-L29 (2010);
e-print: arXiv:1005.3987
Frequency band of the f-mode Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz instability
Zink, B.; Korobkin, O.; Schnetter, E.; Stergioulas, N.;
Phys. Rev. D 81(8), 084055 (2010);
e-print: arXiv:1003.0779
Conservative, special-relativistic SPH
Rosswog, S.;
Journal of Computational Physics 229(22), pp. 8591-8612 (2010);
e-print: arXiv:0907.4890
Precursors of short Gamma-ray bursts
Troja, E.; Rosswog, S.; Gehrels, N.;
ApJ 723(2), pp. 1711-1717 (2010);
e-print: arXiv:1009.1385
Relativistic smooth particle hydrodynamics on a given background space-time
Rosswog, S.;
CQG 27(11), 114108 (2010);
Going out with a bang: compact object collisions resulting from supernovae in binary systems
Troja, E.; Wynn, G.A.; O'Brien, P.T.; Rosswog, S.;
MNRAS 401(2), pp. 1381-1387 (2010);
e-print: arXiv:0909.3632
Surface Detonations in Double Degenerate Binary Systems Triggered by Accretion Stream Instabilities
Guillochon, J.; Dan, M.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rosswog, S.;
ApJL 709(1), pp. L64-L69 (2010);
e-print: arXiv:0911.0416
Analytic solutions to the accretion of a rotating finite cloud towards a central object - I. Newtonian approach
Mendoza, S.; Tejeda, E.; Nagel, E.;
MNRAS 393(2), pp. 579-586 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0803.1020
Mini-discs around spinning black holes
Zalamea, I.; Beloborodov, A.M.;
MNRAS 398(4), pp. 2005-2011 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0906.1950
Ensuring Correctness at the Application Level: a Software Framework Approach
Bentivegna, E.; Allen, G.; Korobkin, O.; Schnetter, E.;
Presented at the
2009 Workshop on Component-Based High Performance Computing (CBHPC) (2009);
e-print: arXiv:1101.3161
Three-dimensional simulations of Tidally Disrupted solar-type Stars
Guillochon, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rosswog, S.; Kasen, D.;
ApJ 705(1), pp. 844-853 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0811.1370
Collisions of white dwarfs as a new progenitor channel for type Ia supernovae
Rosswog, S.; Kasen, D.; Guillochon, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.;
ApJL 705(2), pp. L128-L132 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0907.3196
Astrophysical Smooth Particle Hydroynamics
Rosswog, S.;
New Astronomy Reviews 53(4-6), pp. 78-104 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0903.5075
Tidally-induced Thermonuclear Supernovae
Rosswog, S.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Hix, R.;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 172(1), 012036 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0811.2129
Mass transfer dynamics in double degenerate binary systems
Dan, M.; Rosswog, S.; Brüggen, M.;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 172(1), 012034 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0811.1517
Solving the Einstein constraint equations on multi-block triangulations using finite element methods
Korobkin, O.; Aksoylu, B.; Holst, M.; Pazos, E.; Tiglio, M.;
CQG, 26(14), 145007 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0801.1823
The star ingesting luminosity of intermediate mass black holes in globular clusters
Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rosswog, S.;
ApJL 679(2), pp. L77-L80 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0808.3847
Tidal disruption and ignition of white dwarfs by moderately massive black holes
Rosswog, S.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Hix, R.;
ApJ 695(1), pp. 404-419 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0808.2143
Neutrino signatures and the neutrino-driven wind in binary neutron star mergers
Dessart, L.; Ott, C.; Burrows, A.; Rosswog, S.; Livne, E.;
ApJ 690(2), pp. 1681-1705 (2009);
e-print: arXiv:0806.4380
Surface extraction from multi-field particle volume data using multi-dimensional cluster visualization
Linsen, L.; Long, T.V.; Rosenthal, P.; Rosswog, S.;
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(6), pp. 1483-1490 (2008);
e-print: download pdf
3D Meshfree magnetohydrodynamics
Rosswog, S.; Price, D.;
In M. Griebel, M.A. Schweitzer (Eds.),
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Heidelberg, pp. 247-275 (2008);
e-print: arXiv:0802.0418
Atypical thermonuclear supernovae from tidally crushed white dwarfs
Rosswog, S.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Hix, W.R.;
ApJ 679(2), pp. 1385-1389 (2008);
e-print: arXiv:0712.2513
Simulating black hole white dwarf encounters
Rosswog, S.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Hix, W.R.; Dan, M.
Computer Physics Communications 179(1-3), pp. 184-189 (2008)
e-print: arXiv:0801.1582